He-Man 2002

by: Todd Byrne

The participants were:

Ron, Dave, Al, George, Bob, Todd B., Todd D., Larry, Dan, Matt, Chris, Kenny. This year we had a cookout at the cabin instead of trying to find a restaurant that did not want to have us. It was a good weenie roast. We also played volleyball and horseshoes.

Arm Wrestling Contest

Winner – Chosen Duty

Loser - Assigned Duty



Dave - Food Destroyer

Ron - Morning Cat Burner



Al – Housing Landlord

George – Incinerator


Todd B.

Bob – Housing Mgr

Todd B. – Philosopher

Todd D.


Larry – Twig Gatherer

Todd D. – Stump Puller



Matt – Tree Hauler





Dan – Chief Pan Licker

Chris – General Spoon Polisher


“a no show”

Kenny – Head Gopher

The canoe partners were chosen that night. Although most canoe partner choices had been made earlier, George was the lucky man to draw Kenny (see Day 1 for explanation).

Canoe Partners

Canoe Type











Todd D.


Todd B.






Kenny did not arrive until late in the evening, and he slept with his beer by the fire.

Day 1

Most of the canoers took off just fine from Trout Lake. However Dan and Todd B. didn’t seem able to steer a straight line. There was some dissention in the canoe, and this issue was never seemed to be completely resolved, (they couldn’t steer straight at the end of the trip either). Todd B. and Dan took the wrong sight line to the Trout River inlet and as such were the last to enter the river.

As the pack entered the Trout River, things became a little more critical. The water was high so we were able to traverse the culvert with little difficulty. However most of the group waited for Todd B. & Dan to be one of the first across the first beaver dam. The thought was that the aluminum canoe might break down the dam some to allow for an easier crossing for the others. Todd B. & Dan took a good running start and with extended effort we made it across. George and Kenny were the first to cross and were waiting at the next dam for another sucker to go first. This dam was more difficult, there was a sharp left turn at the bottom of the dam with the full force of the river trying to direct you that way. As Todd B. & Dan came off the dam, the front end could not get directed left fast enough and the rear just was pushed too fast into the pile of wood on the bank opposite the dam. They were trapped and as leaned slightly, Todd could see water entering over the middle off the bow. Dan slowly crawled the nose of the canoe towards the flow of water, with me pushing off the woodpile in the bank to keep them from getting trapped. With a concerted team effort, they were able to get into the stream flow and not spill. The rest of the way to the first lake was relatively smooth sailing.

Kenny and George had studied Todd B.’s & Dan’s activity in depth. They had waited and followed very closely on our trail. George credited Kenny’s vast white-water experience to their smooth sailing.

The four (George & Kenny, Todd B. & Dan), waited for some time (2 beers for Kenny, one for the others) for the next canoers to arrive. Apparently the exit off the 2nd beaver dam was a little more difficult for two canoes as they took on water and got wet.

There was a leisurely paddle to prepare for the lake race. The wind created choppy waters, but the race continued. Todd B. and Dan were given a small head start with the lead based Aluminum canoe, but the lightweights were able to overcome the starting position. It was a tough fought race, with most going in a relatively straight line. Congratulations to Dave and Chris for the successful first place completion.

Canoe Partners

Canoe Type







Todd B.







Todd D.





The weather did not clear up for our stop at lunch; in fact a fire was made at lunch to warm the group because too many were cold.

It was a relatively uneventful paddle to camp. We all traversed the dam and set-up our tents to prepare for the tug-of-war. The ordering was debated for a small amount of time, but finally the groupings were decided.

Round 1

Bob & Todd D. won over Al & Matt.

Ron & Larry easily took Todd B. & Dan

Kenny & George fought hard to take Dave & Chris


Ron & Larry beat Kenny & George

…. after a relatively short rest period

Ron & Larry were declared champions over Todd D. & Bob.

(This makes too many wins for Ron to count for the tug-of-war!).

Dan and Matt decided to go swimming after the tug-of-war to cool off after such a grueling event.

The last event for the evening was the hatchet throw. This was a difficult year with many people falling out during the first round. Only five contestants made the axe stick at the first line, and for some this was accomplished on their 3rd throw.

Round 1:

Bob, Todd B., Larry, Dan and Kenny

Round 2:

Bob, Kenny, & Dan

Round 3:

Kenny & Dan

Winner: Dan – Congratulations – comments from the winner – “I finally won something, I am soooo happy!”

Day 2:

The day started off with rain in the morning. Dave made wonderful eggs for breakfast. As we got off and started paddling, Dave thought that he could take a short-cut, Chris stated that it looked promising, but all that happened was a broken paddle on Dave’s part. A hindrance to paddling and the replacement paddle could be costly for Dave.

Comments/Observations made during the second day of note:

Al – liked the pound cake, in fact there were fights over the bread.

Chris – “I heard vegetarians taste best.”

Larry had a dismount from the canoe that is considered by many to be a work of art; Ron followed with – “I nailed him with this paddle, he was gong in whether he wanted to or not!”

The campsite for the 2nd night was perfect. The weather was picturesque, and the temperature was just right. The following people went swimming at this site: Al, Kenny, Bob, Dan, Todd B., and George. Al noted: “… the water was like a hot-tub”. Bob did not agree because he followed with, “… it was like a glacial stream.”

George was cutting wood like a fiend. He recruited more helpers and piled on lots of wood. Al stated – “I don’t understand why we have to cut 3 days worth of wood at each camp site.”

Needless to say there was plenty of wood for everyone to enjoy a nice long fire. We had our tent city erected in 4 different locations at this site. The lake was very full with lots of sites already taken around the lake by powerboats.

There were 4 walkers for this years hike, only 10 ticks were found. Dave & Bob didn’t make it as far, Matt & Larry went separate.

Don’t do items from George – Don’t spray bug repellent in the pit toilet to try and reduce bugs, you only get an army of bugs upset.

Kenny started drinking Todd D.’s beer because he was so tired and worn out. I guess we know who was doing all the paddling in Kenny and George’s canoe. Obviously this situation did not continue for long as Kenny just wore himself out and finished the beer. As Kenny fell asleep downwind from the fire and started snoring, Chris started to swat at flies he thought were bugs, but only the noise from Kenny.

Day 3:

Ron started breakfast with bacon – very thick – Dave said each piece was like 3 Oscar Mayer pieces.

George’s pancake recipe was very hearty. It quickly lined the stomach. Only George was able to down 4 pancakes, a few were able to force down 3, but most quit after 2 pancakes.

Chris commented on how old everyone was on the trip (he was only 20 years old). Larry responded (54 years old), that he was just 20 last year when he went on his first He-man trip… look at how much one trip aged him.

Matt had eaten so much for breakfast that he was the first recorded He-Man to take a nap before the canoeing had even started. Kenny followed very quickly.

It was a beautiful sunny morning to finish the trip. The water was so quiet that you could hear the water bugs move across. We seemed to be the only ones on the lake as we started the last leg of our journey.

Boyd and Dave initiated the He-man adventure 19 years ago, and as first goers, they would always conference on the He-man of the year. The next in line for this noble right fell to Ron, the 3rd most senior of He-man worthiness, so Ron and Dave went for the walk to decide on the He-man of the year 2002. This year’s baptism was bestowed upon Todd D. He was thrown into the water and congratulated by all as this year’s best representation of what it means to be a He-Man!