He-Man 2015 Answers

1) Which of the things listed above as part of the experience most attract you to the He-Man? Is there any in the list that concerns you?
Spend two and half days away from civilization and experience the following:
1)Traveling an extended distance in beautiful nature purely by muscle power
2)No cell phone - the leash that allows your wife / girl friend / mom / work yank your chain any time they want
3)Staying outside no matter what the weather brings
4)No texting - you don't need to peck out a message on a tiny keyboard that is too small for your fingers
5)Natural bathing by taking a swim in a lake or stream
6)No social media - don't have to keep up with the mundane things your "friends" are doing
7)Proper cooking done by gathering wood and building a fire
8)No selfies - the self-centered urge to point a camera at yourself can't happen
9)Restful sleeping on the ground
10)No world news update about far away place, like "Is Greece leaving the European Union?"
11)Choral music - the only music you hear comes from you and your fellow He-Men voices
12)No hygene/fashion police - you will not be asked to brush your teeth, comb your hair, tuck in your shirt, or even put on deodorant
13)Body function sounds are not an embarassment, in fact relished by some

Master Douglas "The He-Man" Irwin (The Great Red Beard) - I love being outside. I've camped in just about every condition, -15? in a snow bank to 95? and sunny, and nothing beats the end of May in Wisconsin. If I could, I would make this trip a week long. The only thing that scares me about the trip is the cooking, if that's what we're calling it now. It's funny that it was advertised that we do proper cooking on this trip, because you never quite know what you're going to get. Your food could end up black, mushy, or just thrown in the dirt by vegetarians. You could also not know what you're eating at all when they take so long to cook that we end up eating in the dark. Something as important as cook should not be decided on by number of years you've tricked death. I'm pretty sure the elders can't even taste the food anymore, they obviously can't see it. .

Evin - The singing, i'd like to hear some acapella free bird.

Ron (The Old STUD He-Man) Roloff - Concerns see below attracts all. 1, travel extended distance, beauty; no problem seen the world, muscle power of by my partner . 2, cell phone a leash, haven't you heard of caller id or better ring id, I like ? caution Nag calling? 3, Wait have you seen what Mother Nature has done lately earthquakes in Michigan fires, storms?? 4, who texts with fingers? That?s what voice recognition is for 5, do you mean EL-natural or with tightee whitees 6, but I like keeping track of my friend 7, as long as meat lovers cook, no vegetarian and keep Doug away from the fire 8, I thought we could bring cameras 9, restful or restless, sleeping or passed out, on ground or swinging between trees 10, when did Europe get a union? 11, ah yes the music of snoring and other noises from other parts of the anatomy 12, after the blue men outfits this might need to be looked into 13, see 11 above .

Dave - Outdoor Cooking - The women in my life are all awesome cooks. To preserve our relationship I have to say yes to seconds, thirds, and fourths. I am not expecting very good food from the guys I see in these pictures. I just hope they are not lazy and bring food made by their mom or wife. But I guess even worse is if a He-Man has his groceries purchased by their mom or wife. .

'The' Kyle - The generous amounts of alcohol failed to be mentioned as an attractive reason to join this. Is this because that answer would become to common? Or are we trying a, god forbid...sober trip?! So I believe this lack of inclusion is my answer to both parts of this question, the alcohol brought me here today, and the lack of alcohol in this public forum is what is concerning me today .

Kenny Becker - what concerns a predator such as me? in fact if there were no thrills or danger I might get bored, mean come on we need to pick it up a little bit we're getting too old guys, makes it a little fun and excitement, I mean we could always rog up random ambushes, we could make rookies run the gauntlet as the natives used to do, I mean whatever happened to hand to hand combat or arm wrestling the night before? pistols at dawn come on guys, it's only a bullet wound! lol it's not like I'm not getting married this summer, oops did I let that slip?

Dan Irwin- Cuddling... you forgot cuddling as a part of the restful night sleep on the ground. traveling by muscle power that is what concerns me, some of the regulars on the trip are getting up there in age and with age comes withering muscles. ie. .

Jesse - I am offended! The very idea of selfies being self-centered is absurd. Great masculine men throughout history have sat for hours allowing their powerful essence to be captured by the brush. Were these men self-centered because they were willing to wait hours for their manliness to be captured in paintings? Of course not! These men were prestigious and powerful. They embodied the very traits of a true He-Man. It would be ignorant to consider one to be self-centered solely because they have the technology to capture their masculine image in seconds instead of the hours it took for the great men of history .

George - The thing that attracts me to the He-man is #1. There's nothing like getting out and paddling. The only thing that concerns me is the comment about proper cooking. I don't think I've ever seen PROPER cooking on a He-Man. This could be consider false advertising and open us up to lawsuits. .

Alan - I'd have to say natural bathing is my favorite (preferably with a warm sunshine) followed closely by disconnecting from the world to experience the brotherhood of its participants. The no deodorant is a bit of a concern as those logs around the fire are not that long. .

Garth - Traveling by muscle power without phones or communication first attracted me. The mealtimes have proven to be the overriding factor however in keeping me coming back for more punishment. This brings us to the inevitable result of eating well and washing it down with beer- body function sounds. Mine are tuned perfectly .

Todd - At the heart of this question is why do you participate in the annual life changing experience anointed He-Man. This could be a very personal private moment that most well heeled He-Men will never publically document or share with others for risk of seeming too feminine - but lets get to brass-tacks on why most come on He-Man - which are not listed on above: * What weird-ass Kenny experience is going to happen this year? * Beer * Pick on George * Beer * Finding muscles you didn't know were there * Beer * Breaking in Rookies * Beer and Beans Now to about the listed items that should concern any He-Man or wanna-be He-Man from above - I am smart enough not to pick on Dave's excellent writings .

Boyd - They are all awesome! However, the choral music has always been a concern to the local wildlife and residents .

Zach - Paddling through nature off of muscle power. Number 2 concerns me slightly, its one thing for a group of men to sing; its another story when non-professionals 'sing' in the isolated wilderness .

2) At the take-off point last year a Black Oak Lake, we were inspected for introducing invasive species to the Lake. Considering some of the characters that go on this trip, who is the worse invasive species? And if you haven't gone on this trip before, why shouldn't you be considered an invasive species?

Evin - Because i' a manly man.

Master Douglas "The He-Man" Irwin (The Great Red Beard) - Homo sapiens are the worst invasive species the world has ever seen, but since the definition of an invasive species pretty much rules out humans, none of us can be an invasive species. However, for the sake of argument, anyone who cut down that beautiful, innocent red pine caused enough damage to the environment to be considered an invasive species in my book .

Ron (The Old STUD He-Man) Roloff - Lets see, characters assaulting the wild peaceful North like; Todd and Garth with their costumes, Doug and Dan's drunken antics, Ron's old man items, Dave's determination to go any route no matter the eco damage, Kenny will what more needs to be said, Boyd and Zach bringing in the Evil force, and George with his constant nibbling of the foliage not to mention spilling a great meat sauce. Take your pick .

Dave - Boyd. His early He-Man years were a combination of fermented drink and tippy canoes resulting extensive littering to the water. His frequent custom malfunctions also resulted in littering. Finally his hatred of evergreens has cost the lives some some beautiful live pine trees. Doug is becoming close second with his need to destroy the habitat of many animals in order to feed his fires .

'The' Kyle - Towards the end of this trip, we are so dirty, filthy and disgusting that I'm actually surprised this hasn't happened sooner. There is a long list of candidates, but while I'm sure many may say Kenny would be invasive and we should just leave him behind like a pile of dried up seaweed, I must disagree and suggest George is the invasive species, after all, he is always pushing his "vegetarian" propaganda upon us .

Kenny Becker - well considering I claimed all of Northern Michigan in the name of the state of Wisconsin, I would not be an invasive species, I would be an invading species. oh wait that land belongs to us, now I know how the Native Americans feel. its ok I cleared this joke with them. they won't scalp me, but there was talk about the other guys. lol :D roflmao

Dan Irwin- It's Worst dave not worse... Anywho I'd have to go with Doug. the way he runs around chopping down trees splitting five foot logs in one blow and sleeping in a hammock!! what is this blasphemy!

Jesse - Kenny .

George - Kenny - no explanation needed .

Alan - I think the worst invasive specie is the guy who dumps seafood boil in the river at the landing. A little respect for this fairly pristine area please .

Garth - Well the simple answer is obviously Kenny. Anybody that disagrees with me on this has never paddled his share with him or seen his tidy whiteys .

Todd - Can't we all just get along. Invasive to one group is just expanding another's borders... aren't we all on this planet together. Really now, anyone that has spent anytime with any seasoned He-Man knows that they invade all areas they travel - we take over whatever, whenever, however we want... we travel in mass burp, fart, swear, sing, cajole, yell, stink, strip, and generally become the predominant species of the area. While some might call this invasive... I would call it welcome to He-Man!

Boyd - Well there are many really good candidates, but the person who organizes this trip and has gone on the most trips, and sleeps by himself without a tent and comes up with a question like this is obviously the worse invasive character - Dave!!!

Zach - The first name that came to mind was Kenny. I'm guessing that he's either received quite a few jabs by now or will be soon. So I tried to think of anyone else...I came up blank .

3) At the first campsite (Palmer Lake) we had a new experience where the black flies were really bad. Many of us came home with red fly bites on our face. What would you tell someone was the cause of red marks on your face after the He-Man?

Evin - We brought a new strain of chicken pox to infect everyone once more.

Master Douglas "The He-Man" Irwin (The Great Red Beard) - I did not have any red marks on my face as I have a natural defense to such things; therefore, I do not need to come up with a story for it. Both men and animals were blessed with this defense since the dawn of time. Only a fool would laugh at God and shave this gift.

Ron (The Old STUD He-Man) Roloff - It was Doug Pox, It came from his home brew very contagious did not have to drink it just the fumes .

Dave - He-Man measles. A rare disease found in Northern Wisconsin, spread by beavers. Best cure is extended bed rest with your wife. .

'The' Kyle - Obviously Ron and Dave were sneaking around the campsite with red sharpies, doodling on everyone .

Kenny Becker - We braved average of rock salt shells from the locals, we pulled off a red which will be sung of in ages past, many times will they hear the tale of the great HE-MAN BEER RAID, when in fact they're singing the songs in praise of our glory as far as Japan Russia Africa, and even in Compton where they think we be hardcore white bread mofos

Dan Irwin- Tis the mark of a man, forged in the crucible of the wild. One does not simply go on the HEMAN and return home to his woman untarnished by the tests of manhood. When you return home people's thoughts of these red marks should be overshadowed by the spark in your eye and the fire in your heart! For you have returned home a man! Not just any man... A HEMAN!! .

Jesse - Why would I tell them where the red marks were from? After returning from the trip I got countless complements on how my looks had improved. Apparently my face being covered in bug bites made me slightly less hideous. I like to keep my beauty secrets secret to the public .

George - t's a rare measles/ebola mutation. Possibly caused by the proper(?) cooking on the He-Man. .

Alan - Definitely hail damage. .

Garth - Having had chicken pox at age 35 I might try that one out first to scare them. However, having survived that experience it sounds a bit harsh. Venereal disease would be a close second, not that I know where you get that from. I think the best answer would be that you all contracted 'ginger-itis'. Didn't you guys have a redhead in your group last year?

Todd - Any well traveled He-Man will come prepared for such conditions and would have covered his face with mud to protect from such a condition... but for those that are not experienced in the back woods knowledge to thwart these fiendishly beasts, a good story will have to be created: These marks on my face are a testimony to the heroic efforts to save the women and children of a lost society in the dark damp woods never before seen by the modern world. I was trapped in a Canoe and fired upon by pygmies with little blow guns with small needles and was able to battle my way through several hundred of them with nothing but my canoe paddle to rescue the village. It was a very strenuous effort, but I survived with my life and have this great t-shirt to show for it!

Boyd - A rare, exotic disease which is only known to exist in northern regions of WI and is only transmitted by French kissing a black bear .

Zach - As part of that year's He-man challenge to test our Manliness, we threw rocks at a beehive. Whoever broke it open got the best bonus, but number counted too. Sadly, I did not win. You should have seen the guy who won .

4) Doug's threat as a pyro continues. Dave was dumb enough to mention to Doug on the last night that a cabin across the Lake had a bigger fire than ours. Doug proceeded to build a giant fire (well outside the fire ring) that almost torched our rarely used campsite. What rules should we institute concerning He-Man campsite fires?

Evin - Make a bigger fire ring and a bigger fire .

Master Douglas "The He-Man" Irwin (The Great Red Beard) - I heard the rule was that the fire ring has to be completely contained within the fire. I see no issue with what Doug was doing. How can you expect a He-Man to back away from a challenge. Besides, that campsite was way too overgrown, it could have used a controlled burn. .

Ron (The Old STUD He-Man) Roloff - Rules rules rules I thought we were getting away from society, as long as the main fire is in the ring, which it was, then no problems .

Dave - Doug's hammock is suspended over the fire ring. .

'The' Kyle - The first rule of He-man, you dont LIMIT the fire. The second rule of He-Man, YOU DON'T LIMIT THE FIRE!

Kenny Becker - more prep work, I feel as a small signal fire that it was barely adequate, in fact where I'm from bonfires used to mean something, yeah sure drunkenness and tomfoolery but still it meant something, and at least it he me and I know I can safely practice those two fine arts. I think I might bring along my engineering student / cousin, brandon is a pyro also but with his engineering skills I'm sure he could engineer something more fitting then that little pile of tinder!

Dan Irwin- Well first off don't issue a challenge! He-men are notoriously competitive especially those who hale from the Irwin Clan. Second as I recall it was a chilly night and he was just doing his best to keep us all warm within a 100 foot radius. Rules shouldn't be set based on this incident I would say more like guidelines need to be laid. .

Jesse - ules? Rules? RULES? WHAT IS THIS? I thought I was signing up for the He-man not a girly girl trip. Big Fire Good. Me like FIRE .

George - Rules? We don't need no stinking rules. .

Alan - Are you sure you want the guy who burned down the Roloff garage remains with flames 25 feet tall to answer this question? By the way, did the tops of those pine trees ever grow back? He'd probably say something like Dave and Ron need to wear blindfolds during the fire and for safety we should all wrap up in aluminum foil to reflect the heat. .

Garth - I know that even he-man has to have some rules, but barring a burn ban, we should rule out any rules. Some of us have had the same tattered tents and stuff for years. An occasional flash fire is beneficial and might I say a necessary tool in the reduction of stinky stuff and unnecessary belongings like life vests and shoes. If you must have a rule instituted it should involve placing Kenny's stuff nearest the fire since that's what happens anyway. Have at it Dougie .

Todd - He is but an amateur wanting grow up some day to be fortunate enough to be recognized by the proper well seasoned pyro's of yarns past. When the student masters the art of creating fire without matches and using nothing but his butt cheeks - he will then be recognized as a journeyman... till then he is just a dabbler in this art. Anyone can throw more wood on an existing fire to make it bigger .

Boyd - Considering that many of our campsites are a bit small to have everyone comfortably sleep, I think we should encourage fires to be built bigger and even bring a few trees down to expand room for future trips .

Zach - Sigh - It was a grand fire. As far as rules go I think a reward should be given to the He-man who conjures the greatest fire. There's no need for all of those trees anyways, clearing them out will just make it easier to portage and reach the water. Anyone interested in a prairie Wisconsin?

2014 Answers